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Dark Souls will be the most deeply challenging game you play this year. Can you live through a million deaths and earn your legacy?
Gizzmo for all his help regarding design choices and the wonderful descriptions for v8
Wulf2k for MSB Edit and BND Rebuilder
Hotpocketremix for his emevd_rebuilder
rycheNhavalys for his lua editing tool
TKGP for Icon Appender
Meowmaritus for ParamVessel, TextVessel, MapVessel and TAE Editor DX
LordOfSandvich for Rekindled Mod
MetalCrow for the ds_overhaul.dll
Everyone on SpeedSouls-Discord who helped me and answered my annoying questions
MrPope for his ideas for some of the ring-effects
Spooky Steve and Serrara for helping me improve the english version for v6
And everyone who supported me!
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